Our Readers' Opinions
June 18, 2010

Principles vs Principals

Fri, Jun 18, 2010
Editor: “There are principles that rule the human world; they cannot be bought or sold, they aren’t religious, they are not mine or yours. They apply equally to everyone. If you break them you will fail.” Sean Covey.{{more}}

There are principals that rule schools; they can be bought or sold, some are religious, and in some cases the schools are owned by them. Their rules do not apply equally to every one. They can break their own rule and there is no consequence.

The principle of hard work implies that if you haven’t paid the price, you may be able to get by for a while, but eventually it’ll catch up with you.

A principal will tell its students “it’s only hard work that leads to success”, when what is really meant is “how much money you have or who you know will lead you to a successful façade”.

The principle of balance strives to discipline.
A principal, who has favorites, tends to diminish and ridicule the un-favoured.

The principles of loyalty will ensure your employees are paid in a timely manner.

The principal with no regard for employee’s wellbeing will disperse salaries at their discretion.

The principle of understanding will know when families are going through a tough time and need your support.

The principal who only cares about money will humiliate children for their parents’ inability to pay their school fees on time.

The principle of awarding a valedictorian is usually based on various systems of merit. It may be the overall academic performance, a vote by school administrators on students’ overall progressive development through their school life.
A principal who is authoritarian will award a valedictorian based mainly on personal affiliation with the awardee, regardless of that person’s demeanor, academic performance or overall conduct. However, she will award a student who has been academically consistent throughout their school life “graduate of the year”. what is the difference between the two?

It is imperative as parents that we spend quality time with our children daily, get to know how they spent their time away from you, in an effort to salvage what is left of their minds after some of these social institutions have infiltrated their fragile impressionable minds. We must be their most influential positive support system. Spoken words do have effects on our children. Be their strongest voice.

How do we measure success? Is it the process or the outcome? A student with no or little self worth is a detriment to our society, and who will we blame? We as adults in every social discipline impact on the children’s minds. When a principal says “never will I put the bright children and dunce children together (to set common entrance) again”, who is to be blamed for their false sense of self? Where do we draw the line? Adopt principles, and forget the ill intentioned principals.

A child is not a failure. They, without proper guidance, may quickly become victims of their circumstances. As a leader in the school system, you fail when the children don’t meet the requirements, for your techniques fail, you lack dynamism, you do not understand psychology, you are the ones who these children spend most of their time with.
If you truly care you will know and do differently. Each person is unique. no two persons actualize at the same level. Instead you put them down, enroll in a psychology class and learn the different ways children learn.

I seek not to be silent but act as a change agent of good principles and I am starting with my very own. I advocate for all the children who have been verbally abused by people we entrust to instill core values in them, who set rules you dare not defy or face expulsion but who are so quick to ridicule. As a proud parent I am willing to rise to the occasion and not quiver or cower to bullies.

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