Our Readers' Opinions
January 30, 2009

‘Browness’ raising its ugly head again


EDITOR: Please permit me a space in your weekly newspaper.

I could remember during the year 2008 I wrote about the “browness” that was affecting the constituency of East Kingstown. Now this “browness” has raised its ugly head again.{{more}}

Yes, this “browness” that destroyed the green vegetation in East Kingstown is on the rampage once more with more strength. Some of the trees which survived the first devastation certainly will not escape this time. Those in the upper village of Sion Hill where the “browness” was first spotted have all withered up and may never bear fruit again.

It seems as though the authorities and the experts who were brought in to deal with this “browness” have all thrown in their towels, allowing this plague to spread its wings, creating a bad name for the governing party which is confused about the future of East Kingstown.

When carbon 14 test was done on this parasite, they found out that it has been around almost 60 years.

However, we the people of this blessed land must find some way of removing this “browness”, before the whole country gets infested because it’s my belief that if things were to change politically by some miracle, getting rid of this “browness” would be their first priority.

Sankara Thomas