Our Readers' Opinions
July 21, 2006

Machel’s behaviour unacceptable


EDITOR: I am expecting to read a condemnation of the behaviour by Machel Montano towards a Vincy woman, – a woman, period, at the Scandalous event during Vincy Mas. I think the government should do something about this as well.

No artist should come to St. Vincent and the Grenadines and use appalling and disgusting behaviour towards the paying public. And his lewd behaviour of having women touching his private parts should be condemned as well by the government and police. We do not need that type of public display in our society.{{more}}

Montano should have been arrested, because that type of behaviour is not tolerated in many islands in the Caribbean.

For instance, Bounty Killer was arrested for cussing, and for other lewd displays on stage in Trinidad and Tobago.

Even Machel Montano condemned Bounty’s behaviour. Yet, he came to SVG and used appalling language to one of his fans.

This is totally unacceptable and should be condemned by both the media and the government.

If such behaviour is not punishable, because of not being on the books, then this needs to be addressed. We cannot afford artists behaving like this towards women, especially on our shores. There should be a penalty for this type of offense, so that Machel Montano and others, who feel that it is ok to use such degrading and vulgar language towards women, would know that there will be a steep penalty to pay for their actions.

In fact, Machel should apologize to the woman and to the Vincentian public for his sordid act. And the government should not give him permission to return to this blessed land until he apologises.

A Very Upset Vincentian.