Our Readers' Opinions
April 7, 2006

Far too many marriages ending in divorce

Editor: The scripture says, “Marriage is honourable in all and the bed undefiled.” – Hebrews 13:4.

Thus marriage is something to be cherished. It is God’s intention that couples remain married to each other until death. However, what we are seeing today in marriages is frightening. Many marriages end in divorce.{{more}}

There are many reasons divorces occur; however there are three simple points which if followed can enhance your marriage.

(1) Charity – Many persons get married thinking they are in love with each other only to discover that it is not so. Many marriages are built on a sense feeling and physical attraction rather than love. Some persons even get married to someone because of education, status in society, the material things and finances. Instead marriages ought to be based on Charity. Charity/love should be based on the character of the person.

(2) Communication – Many couples seldom communicate with each other after they are married. They don’t spend time discussing and talking over problems and plans. They many times live like two individuals separately, rather than being one flesh. Work and the pressures associated with it have caused many husbands to come home tired and sometimes so frustrated that they seldom spend time communicating with their partner. When this occurs it leaves the wife lonely and unfulfilled and opens the door for unfaithfulness.

And (3) Commitment – Many couples are not committed to making their marriages work. They oftentimes look for the easy way out. When problems occur, rather than being committed to having the problem solved and the marriage develop, they quickly seek a separation. They are not committed to remaining with each other until death does part. Counseling can be had, but men hardly seek the help of a counselor.

Ladies and gentlemen much more can be said, but it is important to understand that for any marriage to be successful it must start with having the right partner.

I therefore recommend that Christ be sought and let him guide us. Those who are already married and are experiencing problems in their marriages can start over by loving each other, communicating openly and honestly with each other and remaining committed to each other no matter what.

May God help us to have healthy family lives. Remember the couple that prays together, stays together.

Kennard King