Beenie Man relaxes in Vincy
Local Vibes
February 10, 2006

Beenie Man relaxes in Vincy

Straight from the airport to the stage, “Musical Doctor”, Moses Davis, also known as “Beenie Man”, injected his loyal patient fans who turned out at the P’tani Resort on Saturday January 28, with “high doses” of reggae dub remedies until the early morning.

Moving from the past to the present, Beenie Man put the excited audience which was already high from the music of DJ 2 Kool Kris, DJ Taurus and Third Element Sounds on a musical plateau. The Jamaican demonstrated some of the latest dance moves such as the “Willie Bounce” and other “Bo Jangle” type of acrobatic moves that younger agile dance lovers were familiar with. {{more}}

The setting was intimate rather than that of a “full fledged” big concert, and members of the audience chatted and got to battle on the microphone with the legendary dub master. An overexcited youth failed one such challenge miserably, but Beenie Man took the opportunity to encourage the zealous aspiring artiste.

The night of fun and laughter also kicked into high gear when Beenie Man brought a man from the audience, who was the “spitting” image of him, something the crowd gazed at in amazement.

Never one to shy away from controversial topics such as the use of the marijuana herb and homosexuality, Beenie Man was put on notice by the Special Services Unit (SSU) officers present that no foul language was permitted throughout his performance.

Although he obeyed their wishes, later in the show, the Dancehall King who was looking for a Queen, brought two females on stage to show their winding skills. One of the females dressed in a short gold outfit displayed herself in a vulgar manner and used a nearby pole in explicit positions.

The other female, however, showed her flexibility rather than vulgarity and for being classy, Beenie Man crowned her with his white New York Nicks cap which he had been wearing all evening.

The time to chill with his fans and have them sing along to his tunes seemed more therapeutic for Beenie Man as there have been reports that he was on Indian Bay beach giving a free concert to spellbound sea bathers.

Beenie Man left the country on Monday and will be going back to Miami for his international tour.

Reports are that he may be back sooner than the announced September schedule for another mini-concert and you know that Searchlight Newspaper will be there!