Kitchen Corner
February 2, 2021

Homemade Croutons

If you have never had croutons in your salad then you are missing out on a delicious aspect of that meal. Instead of buying at the store you can simply make your own.
You will need:

8 – 12 slices of bread  
1/ 4 cup oil
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon parsley


Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Lay bread on a large baking sheet. Brush the tops with oil. Then sprinkle with spices.

Flip the pieces of bread over. Brush with oil and sprinkle remaining spices over the bread. Use a pizza cutter to quickly slice the bread into cubes. Toss the cube bread to evenly distribute the spices. Then lay flat on the baking sheet. Bake at 450 degrees for 5 –8 minutes or until they are toasty brown, tossing the croutons every 2 – 3 minutes. Leave the croutons on the baking sheet to cool.

Tips: Place the pan in the centre of the oven. There is a really nice garlic butter sunflower spread that you can use as well. It’s sold in most supermarkets and not very expensive.