SBB holds personal fun walk challenge
May 4, 2018

SBB holds personal fun walk challenge

FORTY FUN WALKERS participated in a School Boy Beer (SBB) Personal Challenge Fun Walk sponsored by School Boy Beer Bottlers on May Day, Tuesday, May 1.

Walk organizer Malcolm Webb, who is a race walker and speed-walking trainer, said: “The objective of the May Day walk was to allow walkers to challenge themselves and set their own speed and endurance goals, in celebration of local workers and entrepreneurs who challenge themselves daily to keep improving the quality of their output.”

The SBB May Day walkers set their own pace as they took off from School Boy Beer Headquarters in Lower Middle Street, Kingstown, walking along the Leeward Highway Road for one hour and were then picked up by designated vehicles along the way at wherever the one-hour time clock ran out on the participants.

Malcolm Webb and Alanzo Howard reached Buccament after one hour of walking, which was the furthest point by any walker, while Felix Yorke and Sue Shar were picked up at Campden Park, which was the nearest point, after one hour of walking.

All other walkers achieved various distances between those two locations, after walking for one hour.

Malika, speaking on behalf of the other SBB May Day walkers, said, “The ability to walk with others, while setting one’s own personal goals and meeting or exceeding our individual objectives was a source of personal satisfaction for all and the walk was a fun and different way to challenge and compete against one’s self, as opposed to each other, and we are looking forward to the next one.”

School Boy Beer Bottlers thanked all who participated in the Personal Challenge Fun-Walk and congratulated all of our local workers and entrepreneurs who rise daily to meet challenges in the various work places and encouraged all Vincentians to “Walk For Fun”.

PARTICIPANTS OF THE 2018 School Boy Beer Personal Challenge Fun Walk