In Memoriam – Olive Hypolite nee Robertson
In Memoriam/Acknowledgement
July 17, 2020

In Memoriam – Olive Hypolite nee Robertson

In loving memory of
Olive Hypolite nee Robertson
Of Gibson Corner
Who departed this life on
16 July 2005

Phillipians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain
Fifteen years …….
Precious memories …. How they linger
Time, distance, nor death itself can erase them
Or touch a love that endures forever
Of a dear mother, grandmother, great grandmother

Sleep on Beloved, Rest in the arms of the Almighty.

We will meet again on that beautiful shore,
You’ve just gone on before.

With love
Joy, Frank, Tyrone, Ian, Alinda, Julian, Bernard, Ronald,
all the grandchildren, great grandchildren, relatives and friends