18 schools return 100 percent passes in CPEA
by Katherine Renton
Eighteen of the nation’s primary schools returned 100 per cent passes in the recent Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA), but the school which may boast of the best achievements for 2020 is the St Mary’s Roman Catholic School (SMRC).
Along with their 100 per cent passes, the SMRC recorded the most students in the top ten, with six students placing within this bracket: Matthew Wilson in first place; Najah Lewis in fifth place; Andre Quamina in sixth; Christiano FitzPatrick tying for seventh; and Kalen Browne and Isabella Sam coming in at ninth.
Additionally, students from the institution topped all of the subject areas. Matthew Wilson placed first in Mathematics with 100 per cent; Najah Lewis topped Science, also with a perfect score; Isabella Sam was out front in Language Arts with 98.67 per cent and in Social Studies, Cristiano Fitzpatrick placed first, also with a perfect score.
Susan Abraham
Teachers of SMRC who were present at the school on Friday, July 17, as the students descended for collection of their results, disclosed their feelings at the students’ triumph.
“We’re elated although we knew that these children could do this,” Juliet Culzac, teacher for Usage and Comprehension revealed. She mused that they had expected “even ten out of ten” in the top ten, because “from Kindergarten these children were always doing well so we were very hopeful.”
Cherrodawn McDonald, who teaches Health Education and Social Studies at the institution, also felt excited when she heard the news, although she too revealed it was not a surprise. “They were a bunch of good students, very dedicated,” the educator stated.
When it comes to Wilson, who placed at the top this year, McDonald described him as persevering. “He was always a top student, he did very well all through, top in all the subject areas,” she commented.
Even in the face of COVID-19, when the teachers had cause to worry because of the absence of physical schooling at a crucial stage, McDonald said she was only a bit worried because she knew the children would do the extra they needed to do.
The Kingstown Preparatory School (KPS), which has many a year taken the top spot at the primary exit exam, also did so this year, with student Kai Francis, who tied with SMRC’s Wilson, and Windsor Primary’s, Ajani Neverson with an overall percentage of 97.8%.
Two students from the KPS: Rachel Small who came in at fourth, and Darry-Ann Richardson, who tied for seventh, joined Francis in the top ten.
Anella Roban
Furthermore, according to Principal, Susan Abraham, who SEARCHLIGHT spoke with yesterday, July 20, for the 146 students that sat the exam from that school, in addition to the 100 per cent pass rate, 99 students placed in the top 500.
The students had a 95.5% average for Science, 94.5% for Social Studies, 92.9% for Language, and 67.8% for Math.
Abraham also revealed that for the crop of students the school had this year they expected that more would have been in the top ten.
The three that were in the top 10 are quiet students, and first place student Francis is “straightforward”, “focused”, “very vocal” in discussion, but also quiet, the Principal said.
In revealing what made them do so well this year, Abraham stated that she must give kudos to the teachers.
“The teachers from kindergarten straight to grade six, they work very hard. I think Prep school is one of the schools that the teachers they go really above and beyond duty.”
She said that even during COVID-19 the teachers worked with the students, keeping them busy over the three/four week break.
The parents rallied around their children, and the children themselves “do what they have to do to get to the top”, the Principal said.
“It’s a combination of all – parents, teacher, home, school, relationship – that give us the results that we get,” Abraham summarized, thanking all stakeholders.
Principal of the Windsor Primary School, Anella Roban, noted “They were very competitive students and although they were very competitive, they energised one another, they helped one another, they pulled each other along and pulled each other up and so I’m happy for our results.”
The school had 100 per cent passes, and student Ajani Neverson, who tied for first place, also copped the highest percentage in Language Arts along with SMRC student, Sam.
Neverson may be called a perfectionist, Roban stated, and is a “steady worker” with “very enthusiastic parents.”
“They are very enthusiastic, they would follow through, they would call whenever he has work to do, assignments, projects,” she said.
She praised the teachers for working very hard, noted that they followed the national framework, and “…they were always planning, meeting, energising one another.”
The school faced challenges: including COVID-19, and the death of the night watchman on the compound last month, but “through challenges we persevered…so that was our theme also for this year’s graduation,” Roban commented.
The other schools with 100 per cent passes were Argyle Primary, Biabou Methodist, Calliaqua Anglican, Cane End Government, Evesham Methodist, Leeward District Seventh Day Adventist, Lower Bay Primary School in Bequia, Mayreau Government School, Mustique Government, New Prospect Primary, Paget Farm Government, Richland Park Seventh Day Adventist Academy, Park Hill Government, Sugar Mill Academy and Summit Education Trust.