Cop shoots at masked intruder on Prime Minister’s Frenches premises
Front Page
January 23, 2009

Cop shoots at masked intruder on Prime Minister’s Frenches premises

Was Ambassador Camillo Gonsalves’ life under threat last Sunday morning at his father’s Frenches home? One may never know.{{more}}

This, however, is the view of Commissioner of Police, Keith Miller, in the aftermath of a police officer discharging a round of shots at the Frenches residence of Prime Minister

Dr. Ralph Gonsalves at about 2 a.m. on Sunday, January 18th, 2009.

It is claimed that the sound of the high-powered rifle shook some residents of the area from their sleep.

Commissioner Miller told SEARCHLIGHT that a police officer had been stationed at the Prime Minister’s Frenches home when he saw a masked man on the premises with his hand under his shirt. Miller said the assailant was asked to remove his hand but refused. The Commissioner said the assailant then approached the officer, who opened fire.

No one was apprehended or hurt in the incident.

The COP reiterated that there have been several threats against the Prime Minister’s life, and with his son Ambassador Camillo Gonsalves at home at the time, one would never know if the Ambassador’s life was under threat.

One of the bullets discharged by the police officer hit the fender of a parked jeep in neighbour William Johnson’s yard, another the side of his house, while two others hit another house in the vicinity.

When contacted, Johnson confirmed that he was awakened from his sleep on Sunday morning by the sound of gunshots.

He said the police came to his home later on Sunday morning to investigate the incident. The elderly man said he was told that some shots were fired at an assailant, but he has no further details on the matter.

Johnson added that even though he is still feeling jittery and suffered some inconvenience, he has high praise for the police.

The elderly man said the police were “quite decent” in the way they handled the situation.

“I want to make particular mention of Superintendant Charles. I wish to publicly express my thanks for how he handled the matter,” said Johnson.

Another neighbour, who prefers to remain anonymous, said the sound of the bullets startled her.

Commissioner Miller disclosed that the police were dispatched to Johnson’s residence to assess the situation and to express their regret to him.

Miller promised that the police will repair the jeep and the side of the house. He, however, added that there was no major damage done.

“We were trying to protect,” said Miller.