Thomas Saunders Secondary second former caught with drugs
Front Page
November 21, 2008

Thomas Saunders Secondary second former caught with drugs

As the prospect of drug possession charges hangs over one of his second formers, Principal of the Thomas Saunders Secondary School, John Renton, says that ill-discipline and lawlessness will not be allowed to be part of the school’s culture.{{more}}

Renton confirmed to SEARCHLIGHT that information reached him on Monday, November 17, that a male student had brought marijuana to school and had hidden it on the school’s compound.

He said that when the drugs were discovered, the boy’s guardian was called in, and after a discussion with Ministry of Education officials, the boy was handed over to police.

The boy is 14 years old.

Renton said that his investigations suggest that the drugs were to be distributed in the school – something that he will not tolerate.

“I was horrified, but I will pursue any such activity aggressively,” Renton told SEARCHLIGHT.

Renton, who was recently appointed Principal at the four-year-old school, told SEARCHLIGHT that as a young school, Thomas Saunders Secondary is now developing its reputation and he is determined to stamp out negative tendencies before they have time to germinate.

“It is very important that we establish the ethos of the school now,” he said.

He said that it must, however, be borne in mind that schools are part of society and every so often, the negatives of society seep into the school’s culture.

He told SEARCHLIGHT that he is confident that the vast majority of his students, and students on a whole, are law-abiding, dedicated and hard working.

This is why he believes that the negative seeds must not be given space to function and spread – especially so with an infant institution like the Thomas Saunders Secondary school, which is now etching its place in the Vincentian education culture.

At press time, the youngster had not been charged with any offence and remained on indefinite suspension from school.