Elderly man accused of having sex with 10-year-old girl
From the Courts
October 3, 2014

Elderly man accused of having sex with 10-year-old girl

An elderly man is currently on trial at the High Court, facing two counts of having sex with a girl under the age of 13.

The man has pleaded not guilty to the charges.{{more}}

The trial, which began on Wednesday of this week, heard that the girl was only 10 in 2012, when the incidents allegedly occurred and that she was at the time a primary school pupil.

During the trial, the girl, who now attends one of the secondary schools in Kingstown, stood in the dock and calmly related what allegedly had taken place.

Her alleged attacker, dressed neatly in a suit, white shirt and tie, sat quietly in the box, looking in the direction of the nine-member jury and at times, glancing at his lawyer, Ronald Marks.

A total of four witnesses are expected to testify for the Crown, which is being led by Crown counsel, Sejilla McDowall.

Andrew Russell also appears with Marks in the matter and Tammika McKenzie with McDowall for the Crown.

Her Ladyship Esco Henry presides over the matter.