Who is a psychopath?
Dr Jozelle Miller
October 2, 2018

Who is a psychopath?

Continued from last week

Risky Antisocial Behaviour with No Gain

Antisocial behaviour, like cheating, lying, robbing, stealing, agitating, fighting, adultery and killing, appeals to psychopaths, with or without reaping any hefty rewards. They appear drawn to antisocial behaviour that is high risk and has no apparent goal. Some theorize that psychopaths like to put themselves into dangerous situations, or where there is a high risk of being arrested, because of the adrenalin rush that they experience.

Since psychopaths generally do not feel many of the emotions that normal people feel, any extreme sensation feels good. Others believe that they do it in order to reinforce their sense of superiority and to prove that they are smarter than everyone, including the police.

Exhibits Horrible Judgment

Despite the fact that psychopaths are logical thinkers and enjoy viewing themselves as being highly intelligent, they consistently exhibit astonishingly horrible judgment. When they are faced with two paths, one that is clearly a path to gold and the other that is clearly a path to ashes, the psychopath will take the path to ashes. And, because psychopaths are unable to learn from their own experiences, they will be prone to taking the same path again and again.

Egocentric and Unable to Love

Psychopaths are highly egotistical to the point that it is hard for a normal person to comprehend it as being real. Their self-centredness is so deeply rooted and unchangeable that it renders them completely incapable of loving others, including parents, spouses and their own children.
The only time psychopaths show an ordinary response to kindness or special treatment by others is when it can be used to their advantage or facilitate some personal plan or goal.

The Difference between Psychopaths and Sociopaths

Psychopathy and sociopathy share the same diagnosis as having antisocial personality disorder, and while they share other similar traits, there are also significant differences.

Psychopaths are more deceptive and manipulative, and maintain more control over their outward persona. They are able to lead what appears to be a normal life sometimes throughout their lifetime.

When psychopaths become criminals they are cunning and believe they are smarter than the average person, and invincible.

Sociopaths often let their inner rage surface with violent episodes, both verbally and physically. They become reckless and spontaneous and have little control over what they say or how they act out. Because they are impulse driven, they rarely consider the consequences of their actions. It is difficult for sociopaths to live normal lives and because of their imprudence many of them drop out of school, can’t hold down jobs, turn to crime, and end up in prison.

Which One is more dangerous?

Sociopaths have a difficult time hiding their disorder, whereas psychopaths pride themselves on their manipulative abilities. Psychopaths are masters of disassociation and are less likely to feel guilt or remorse for their actions, or for the pain that they cause others. Because of this, psychopaths are considered to be potentially more dangerous than sociopaths.

Source: Charles Montaldo (2017).