Blue bubble
Dental Health
May 24, 2016

Blue bubble

A concerned parent met me recently; she complained about a swelling on her daughter’s gum that had a strange blue colour. Upon examination, an eruption cyst was found, also called ‘blue bubble’.

This swelling is due to the eruption of the emerging tooth; it turns the gum bluish purple and hence is called blue/purple bubble. As I explained to the parent, this is a common developmental condition and there is nothing to worry about, as the phenomenon is usually painless.{{more}}

When the tooth formation has started (probably 6 to 8 months), teeth pierce the jaw bone and are placed beneath the gums before making a final entry to the oral cavity. Now, due to the accumulation of fluid or blood around the erupting tooth, it turns bluish purple or may be reddish brown (depending upon the amount of blood accumulated) in colour, hence giving this appearance.

Eruption cysts can develop as a result of trauma from chewing or because of certain medications. The thicker the gums around the erupting tooth the greater the chances of developing an eruption cyst. Eruption cysts are more prevalent in the upper jaw, with tooth prevalence of temporary incisors.

This is a natural phenomenon and corrects by itself, so it does not require any treatment . However, if the cyst is troublesome, we can make a small incision (under local anesthesia) to allow the tooth to erupt quickly. Any discoloration, swelling and foul smell in the region should be brought to the attention of your dentist immediately and although these eruptions are usually painless and resolve upon tooth eruption, any kind of prolonged discomfort should be reported.

It is always best to be proactive and report all suspected lesions to your dentist, as in some cases they may require treatment.

Dr Keith John

Clinic: SVG Dental Corporation

Telephone: 784-456-2220

Cell: 784-526-0752