Love and good neighbourliness at Christmas 2019
Prime Minister Dr The Hon Ralph E Gonsalves
Christmas Messages
December 20, 2019

Love and good neighbourliness at Christmas 2019



Overwhelmingly, the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines are good-natured, caring, and loving; we are instinctively good-neighbourly to one another. We tend not to like or approve of persons who are perpetually angry; the companions of anger are hate and malice. Our people usually reach out to each other with warmth, love, and a generosity of spirit. Our sense and sensibility which are grounded in the values and virtues of good-naturedness, caring, love, and good-neighborliness, are made manifest daily but especially so at Christmas time.

Our commemoration of the birth our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in what has become the season of Christmas, usually brings the best out of us in terms of giving, sharing, caring, and loving as we seek to reflect much of the spirit and teachings of Jesus.


Unfortunately, several other intrusions conspire to undermine this uplifting spirit of Jesus. First, there are some persons who parade their debilitating anger, malice, and hate; many spew these malignancies without any restraint in the virtual world of social media and in the real world of our communities. Secondly, some others are so self-absorbed, egotistical, and selfish that they have no concern for anyone but their individual selves. Thirdly, there are still others who are obsessed with excesses in shopping, drinking, and eating that they injure themselves and others in myriad of ways.


It would be wonderful if we can all embrace, and act upon, the true spirit of Christmas as reflected in Jesus Christ. Is it too much to hope for a multitude of individual acts of kindness, caring, and loving rather than anger, hate, and malice? Can we have a Christmas season without drunkenness, violent crimes, assaults on women and children, senseless vehicular accidents occasioned by drunk driving and excessive speed? Can we have a season with a wholesome communion between the youths and the elderly? Can we have peace and goodwill between us all? Can we avoid religious or political divisiveness over the Christmas season 2019? Can we focus on uplifting things, sober enjoyment, and joyous reflection? Can we just simply enjoy our traditional Christmas of family, friendship, and good-neighbourliness within the liveliness and holiness of our joyous culture?


The peace, goodwill, love, and caring of Christmas begin with each of us. It cannot be imposed. We can, however, help to bring “the good” out of each other.

I am deliberately avoiding any political discussion; there would be lots of time for politics next year; but for now, let us celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in the way we know it is right and proper to do. Let us do justly, love mercy and goodness, and walk humbly with our God. And let each of us remember to help at least one person who is in need of help. Those who give lovingly and those who receive gratefully are always blessed.
A blessed and joyous Christmas to all Vincentians at home and abroad!