Sooooooooo, wat’s on d menu? (lol) Happy 5th Anniversary y’all
Celebration Time
July 4, 2008

Sooooooooo, wat’s on d menu? (lol) Happy 5th Anniversary y’all


Gee, five years already! Could you believe it? Wow, to Leunda and Carlton Joseph, of New Grounds, celebrating on July 5th, 2008. Enjoy and ‘nah figet fi invite me’. Sure seems like celebration time this week. Birthdays, graduation, anniversary, things nice! So, pork, fish, goat! What’s on d menu? Yea, ‘Nose’, bring drinks, Keilla, enjoy. Let’s just celebrate! From children; Lafleur (England), Akeilla, Shyon, Carlene, Carldan, Mikel, Shawn and Zimron, entire Joseph & Baptiste family, especially meeee (Ann). Ah gone (lol)