Prince Rayshorn is #7 on the birthday chart
March 30, 2012

Prince Rayshorn is #7 on the birthday chart

Fri, Mar 30. 2012

Rayshorn Dallaway

God has given us the chance to create our own prince charming, Rayshorn Dallaway of Redemption Sharpes, who is celebrating his 7th birthday today, March 30th. Greetings from mother & father Mr. & Mrs. Dallaway, brother Keishorn, sister Chanise, grandmother Rosalie, aunts Keizer, Bev, Odice, Jennifer, Clear, Betty and Mally, uncles Ronnie, Carver, Ipa, Norris, Skyie and Jim, cousins Susan, Codrian, Deron, Ramjay and Raheen, also all the boys at Keisha Shop. Only God can take your place in our hearts. Love you to the max.