Beauty Beat
August 11, 2006

Six reasons for hair loss

The top six reasons for hair loss are:

1. Stress

2. Diet

3. Health

4. Medication

5. Environment

6. Genetic

The scientific (medical term) for hair loss is call alopecia. There are several types or forms of alopecia, e.g. Androgenetic alopecia which is the result of genetics, age and hormonal changes.{{more}}

Alopecia aerates – the sudden falling out of hair in round patches or baldness in spots.

Postpartum Alopecia – the temporary hair loss experienced at the conclusion of pregnancy. The improper functioning of the body organs and glands can cause or contribute to hair loss, e.g. the circulatory organ and the disturbances of the endocrine gland. Chief deficiency for hair loss is iron. Some other common mineral deficiencies that lead to hair loss are:

1. Zinc

2. Calcium Magnesium

Some toxic mineral that can lead to hair loss are lead and mercury. Other causes of hair loss are:

1. Radiation

2. High fevers

3. Contraceptives (pills, shots and inserts) note: It differs in persons.

4. Hormonal imbalances

5. Itching

6. Traction (by frequent usage of tight braids, pony tails etc.)

Everything we eat or our state of health is shown throughout the hair. Your eating habits, your state of mind, and your health is reflected through your hair. Vitamins and minerals are essential to the normal functioning of every system of the body. Doing a mineral analysis of the hair will assess a person’s health and nutritional status. The minerals in the hair are sodium, iron, copper, sulphur, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, solarium, silicon, iodine and cobalt. Toxic minerals in the hair are: lead, arsenic, mercury and aluminum.

Auldine A.K. Browne

Cosmetologist, Make-up Artist & Tutor Barnet Fair Hair Fashion

456-4496 or 530-2334