Bassy - Love Vine
March 29, 2019

No invitation to Cock-ah-roach party

Ole people had ah lot ah co-local expression (sayings) dat dey uses to say, now today when we anal-lies dem dey make scents. When ah hear how our Prime Minister fussing because he was not among de four regional Prime Ministers, who were invited by US President, Done-all-trump to ah two hour meeting at his private home in Florida. If my ole Granny was alive she would ah say: “ Way wrong wid Gone-salves, he nah remember dat Cock-ah-roach nah ha no right at Fowl Party!”

Lie-Za thinks dat Trump sending ah message to our PM. Firstly he wants Ralph to taste he own medicine, like how he refused to invite Patel Matthews, de legal Representative of North Leeward, to ah simple opening of de Shatto Smart Hospital. And secondly an invitation to our PM to go to de Florida Meeting, would ah been just de right thing to massage Ralph’s Ego, even just de “Feel Good” part. Also he would ah like to say “I was invited, but on ah matter ah prince-apple, dey’s no way I was going to such ah meeting.” Lie-Za say she believe dat once Ralph did get an invitation, he would ah wash he foot and gone sorry, come!

But de four Carry-Come Roosters went to Trump’s Cock-ah-roach Party, and in true Foul Cock style, dey scratched new surface, unearthing real worms, dey came back to de region wid promises dat could fill ah forty-foot container. Dey start ah crow” Cook-arwe-ah-crow!” PM Cast-ah-net made no excuse when he said dat he represent Sin-Loose-her first and Carry-Come and Venezuela after. De USA is Sin-Loose-her’s largest trading partner, largest diaspora, and de country that offers St Loose-her greatest opportunity for growth. Plans are being put in place to correct dah Visa-Green Card Say-nah-row. Folks from Sin Loose-her will soon be getting de Visa application to de USA stamped right at home.

From Jah-mek-her PM Holiness said dat two hour meeting was long in coming, it was not just talk, dey’ll be real investment and dey was firm promises as dey anticipate further discussion on energy, trade, security and issues to deal with peace and stability within the region.

Needless to say dat president Trump loved what his new Roosters were crowing. Flattered he told dem : “Way those come from is lots more in store!” He enticed dem dat dey had only de Soup Course, deys d main course wid Lobsters and Steaks to come, and doh ask bout dessert and cock tails. . He sent home to spread de Good News: “Go tell Bo-bathe-us PM, Me-Yah, she will get lots ah needed help, de Medical School she took from Dominica is only ah small token.” Same time Sin Loose-her’s PM, Mr Cast-he-net asked Trump if he got any messages foh Ralph.” Ah think trump wanted to provoke Ralph’s Ego, he said : “Oh Yes! Tell Ralph doh eat his heart out!”

Our recent His-story reminds us dat when ALBA and Pet-throw Carib in de region, Dominica was first to get aboard, Ralph was de Chief Mate to president Shove-his. De other members of Caryy Come stayed outside peeping in to see wht benefits was dey to get. And demn all of ah sudden, dey all came on board. Pet-throw-Carib money sweeten dem, all kind ah officials get Pet-throw-Carib money.

So much so, half ah dem lose dey manhood and gave dey soul to Shove-his’Venezuela, and now dey not only Love Mad-Euro, dey love his sins an all. And dat is way Done-all-Trump slowly picking dem aoff one four by four. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.
