Bassy - Love Vine
February 8, 2008


Dis Sex ting started way back when dem two people disobeyed de Lord and did dey own ting, maybe de temptation was too much foh young Adam and his wife Evelyn too. Whatever dey did in dat Garden, de punishment was hot: “ah painful childbirth”, de Lord warned dem, was ah case ah “way sweeten goat mouth go bun E bam bam”. Even Lie-Za who is childless say baby pain is de hottest.{{more}} After dat Garden scene, men of all walks in life have fallen victim to Sex-shall-harass-men: Ole man Lot got drunk and slept wid his two daughters; King David used his par-liar-men-tarry privilege and took over Uriah’s wife. David’s son, King Solomon had so many wives and keepers, ah wonder how he managed. Ah think is Solomon some ah we trying to emulate. Ah scandal dat comes to mind is de famous John Profumo’s in 1963, dat nearly brought down de Mc Millan Guv-ah-mint. John was de British War Minister who went berserk over ah lovely prostitute, Christine Keeler. When de story broke, Profumo stepped down from office, but his close friend Dr. Stephen Ward who covered as Christine’s boyfriend was pressured and later committed Sue-side. Remember de sex acandals wid Tele-vandal-is Jimmy Swaggart and later Jim Baker, sex perverts of de highest order. And our fear-foh-hit president Bill Clinton and Miss More-nicker, remember Bill’s famous words : “Ah never had sex-shall-relay-shun wid dat woman”! How about dis foh ah famous words: “I will prove my innocence in de fullness of time”

Sex scandal in high places is nothing new. Even here in SVG we have had unbelievable stories about young girls being molested by officials in high offices. Our Prime Minister is now being accused of allegedly having sex wid ah lady widout her consent. Naturally he has denied de charges and has promised wid de fullness ah time to prove he ain-no-saint. In de meantime de Commissioner of Police disclosed dat he has investigated de case and nothing dey in dey foh him to press charges against de PM. De DPP has also intervened and discontinued the matter stating de case has no weight. But people like Lie-Za and others who claim ignorance of de law, now saying dat wid all these experts, de Police Boss, ah lawyer and de DPP in de PM’s corner, plus de PM himself, ah brilliant Lawyer, one ah de very best, ah senior officer ah de Courts too, one who believes strongly in our judiciary system, wouldn’t it have been better foh de PM to order ah speedy hearing in Court and just nip dis alleged charge in de bud early o-clock, thereby teking his good name out ah naygah mouth once and foh all. All now so de ting would ah been his-story and over. It stinks, it neither sound good, smell good nor look good; therefore it had to be bad foh all concerned, de PM, de young lady and most of all de country dat is now more bitterly divided dan ever. Whatever de outcome in all ah dis confusion, ah hope dat Justice will be de winner!

We must be reminded that Prayer still works, when we pray foh others de results are not only forthcoming but swift, so let us as ah nation, offer prayers foh our PM and his young family, it must be extremely painful foh dem in de home. And what about de young lady, de alleged victim and her distraught mother; it must be painful foh dem as well, dey too must be foremost in our prayer. In these moments of electrified tension, I am usually calmed and encouraged wid de fact dat God is in control, all de time, He’s still on His Throne!


Ah tip me hat again to Sir Allan Standford now in de second 20/20 cricket competition foh dis region. It is exciting cricket even if de sides are not evenly matched in dis de early round. De crowds are enjoying every moment, and what is good is dat de players will be compensated foh dey efforts. Even more pleasing is de involvement of former West Indies Stars around coaching and giving dey best. Of course Stanford’s program includes ah decent pay-check foh all ah dem. Dis is something our West Indies Cricket Board has not been able to do foh dem when dey call it ah day.


And ah tip me hat to Basil of Mustique Blues Festival fame. It is ah remarkable achievement by Basil who started his “Blues Fest” not so long ago. Blues was not ah very popular music in SVG at de time. His vision was ah fund raising exercise to provide secondary education to de less fortunate kids. Initially it was low keyed wid ah couple foreign “Blues” artistes who would pay dey passages to come to Mustique to perform foh free foh de Rich ‘n’ Famous at de time. Now de Festival is bursting de seams, wid shows in Mustique, Bequia and mainland St Vincent. It is now one ah de leading Blues Fests around wid Venues ram-jam and patrons rushing to listen to international Blues Artistes from all over, Europe, North America, de Caribbean and ah must mek honorable mention of our local groups including Bequia. Keep on going Basil.


And while I’m on de subject of entertainment, how can I not thank “Randy D” foh promoting dis country on his Vibes Caribbean TV show, now seen thru-out de Caribbean on Carib Vision. Randy D is special but gets lickle or no recognition foh his good wuk. He dearly loves dis “lovely piece of real estate” too bad, he’s unique too, whenever he’s on Radio or TV he never forgets to big up his homeland, an Artiste, ah site, an event, he’s always finding something positive to say of SVG. I’m yet to visit his Jazz session at de Attic, as ah told him, his club is located opposite my church and his session is on ah Sunday evening, dat’s when we have Evening Service. How it go look to see Bro Bassy coming out ah Church and heading straight foh de Night Club next door, dey will tek way me Uniform and read me out de Church, and yuh know what? Dat same Randy will mek fun of me on Radio next day. So wid dat, ah gone again.

One Love Bassy.