Animal Health
September 10, 2004

Canine Parvovirosis – Its prevention

Canine parvovirosis, commonly referred to as parvovirus or parvo, is a viral disease that affects mainly the small intestine and heart muscle of dogs and wolves.
It was first discovered in the late 1970s and since then has spread throughout the world. {{more}} Here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, this disease has created severe economic and social impact on some dog owners.
Dogs of all ages are affected by this disease; however, it is more commonly seen in puppies. This virus is spread by dog-to-dog contact through fecal-oral means, which means that an infected dog (adult or puppies) shed the virus in its stool. If an un-infected dog comes in oral contact with any material contaminated by this virus, the disease develops. This development depends greatly on the level of protection the animal has acquired through vaccination or previous exposure to the disease.
The virus may be carried from one place to another on clothing and footwear of people, on the hair and feet of infected dogs, and in dog cages.
Clinical signs of this disease are: vomiting, anorexia, lethargy, dehydration and a haemorrhagic watery stool that possesses a fetid smell.
This disease may be prevented through proper vaccination of both adults and puppies. Proper disinfecting of your yard and the animal’s sleeping area is vital in preventing canine parvovirus.