Unethical behaviours – you the follower are responsible too
It is inconceivable the volume of sentiments that susceptible followers share about the unethical things that they are instructed to do by leaders. Many of them, in an attempt to rationalize their behaviour, conclude that they are “only following instructions”, therefore cannot be held accountable. The reality is, you nurture the unethical behaviours you complain about. A leader’s unethical behaviour thrives not only due to the leader’s actions but also because of the behaviours of the followers. Susceptible followers play a vital role in empowering, perpetuating, and sometimes strengthening unethical leadership. Their behaviours, motivations, and psychological propensities often create an environment where unethical leaders rise and thrive.
Understanding this dynamic is critical to addressing and mitigating unethical behaviours in organizations.
Susceptible followers are people who, deliberately or inadvertently, support or tolerate the unethical behaviour of leaders. They may empower unethical leadership by following orders, remaining silent, or actively participating in damaging actions. Generally, these followers often fall into either ‘conformers’ or ‘colluders’ categories.
Conformers are people who comply to unethical leadership because of fear of retaliation, external pressures or a desire to fit in. Conformers often exhibit low self-esteem, dependency on authority, and high levels of obedience. They are motivated to follow unethical leadership to avoid chastisement and to gain the leader’s support.
Colluders are like-minded people who support unethical leaders because their ambitions, goals and values are similar. Colluders usually exhibit opportunism and ambition. They are motivated by the personal benefits that could be derived from supporting the leader. Benefits may include power, promotion or perks.
Oscar J Orellana in an article titled “The role of susceptible followers, influence the rise of unethical leaders,” argues that weak management, unethical leaders, and susceptible followers are the perfect foundation for a toxic work environment.
These counterproductive features in leadership and follower-ship make administrations exploit the public in conceivable ways.
Followers and leaders must understand the physiognomies and means by which followers enable beneficial leadership and organizational outcomes. It must be realized that followers and leaders are equally responsible, by either choosing to act the role of a follower, or deciding to lead a group of people. The responsibility of our ethical, moral, and legal actions is still in our control.
Several psychological and social factors influence susceptible followers including:
Obedience to Authority: Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiments conclude that followers often conform to leaders even when they are asked to conduct unethical actions, because they are afraid of the consequences of disobeying. Therefore, they justify their actions as simply “doing what they were told.”
Groupthink and Social Pressure: In tight-knit groups, followers sometimes suppress conflicting opinions to maintain harmony and avoid being ostracized. Followers’ desire to appear agreeable overrides individual moral judgment. This type of behaviour is especially common in organizations with strong hierarchical structures.
Moral Disengagement: Followers may justify unethical behaviours by diffusing responsibilities, for example making comments like, “This is not that bad.” “Work by orders, get pay straight.” Followers also use mechanisms like indirect labelling to enable unethical actions. For example, calling lay-offs “rightsizing”.
Dependency and Fear: The fear of job loss, and limited alternative opportunities, sometimes compel followers to conform to unethical leaders. A lack of independence or empowerment also makes it difficult for followers to challenge unethical practices.
Alignment with Personal Goals: Followers sometimes support unethical leaders because of personal gain, career advancement. or shared ideological goals. Power-craved followers may prioritize personal gain above ethical consideration.
As a susceptible follower, you influence the rise of unethical leaders by the following:
Reinforcing the Leader’s Power: Each time you comply without question, you validate the unethical leader’s authority. Your silence creates a feedback loop where the leader feels encouraged to continue unethical actions.
Silencing Opposition: Each time you suppress your dissent, you create an environment where unethical behaviours go unchecked. Your complicity marginalizes ethical voices and regularizes unethical practices.
Implementing Unethical Actions: By carrying out the unethical leader’s instructions, whether because of coercion or willing participation, you operationalize unethical decisions and make the unethical leader’s vision a reality.
Creating a Culture of Compliance: With each action you perform, you demonstrate an unwavering loyalty or align with the leader’s unethical behaviour. This not only sets a precedent for new followers; it solidifies a toxic organizational culture.
The giants that were created with silence must now be conquered with a roar. If you want change it must first come from within.
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