Police Co-operative Credit Union awards Junior Savers
The Police Co-operative Credit Union (PCCU) has provided Samsung Galaxy tablets to 193 children under the PCCU Junior Savers Challenge.
The presentation last Saturday morning, January 28, at an awards ceremony saw parents and guardians assemble with their children at the PCCU conference room to receive a tablet as a reward for successfully completing the payment challenge hosted by the credit union.
The challenge, which was designated for children 15 years old and under required them to make weekly payments, with each payment being a dollar more than the last one.
While 253 junior savers started the challenge, 193 of them completed it.
PCCU general manager, Ayanna Samuel said those who met the target were the ones who would be receiving a Samsung Galaxy tablet 2023 instead of the customary Amazon Prime tablet which was the case since the inception of the programme in 2014.
President, Enville Williams congratulated the awardees on their success and commended the parents on their commitment and dedication.
“Today is a very special day for us as we celebrate this milestone. Now, the challenge was to challenge children in their resourcefulness…and consistency in the things they do….it helps children when they go to school…to put aside some of their break money so that they can have it and build on it for later on; that is one of the foremost reasons why the credit union saw it fit to take this platform for the young ones… the president explained.
“I want to on behalf of the board of directors of the credit union to congratulate you for your efforts thus far and congratulate you…for the effort you are going to put in when the challenge rolls over, whenever it rolls over…and encourage you parents and guardians who have not yet registered their children in the challenge, do so because you would’ve seen benefits that have derived thus far and I want to promise you on behalf our board that it gets better for you as parents and guardians and for your children as time goes on in this challenge…”.
Prizes were also distributed for the winners of the Independence Essay competition which the PCCU hosted in October, 2022. The essay topic was, ‘What Does Independence of SVG Mean To You?’
Caleb Mclean who won the competition was presented with a Samsung Galaxy tablet and a cash prize of $50. Caleb Smith who placed second received $200; Ruby Richardson who placed third received $150; and Christel Sutherland and Laila Alexander were both given $50 for placing fourth and fifth respectively. All participants in the competition were awarded with a free junior savers account.
RELATED ARTICLE: Police Credit Union rewards over 200 Junior Savers with Kindle Fire tablets