Miss SVG contestant donates funds to persons with disabilities
Press Release
October 8, 2022

Miss SVG contestant donates funds to persons with disabilities

Contestant in the 2022 Miss SVG pageant, Miss Arielle Ollivierre, has completed her GECCU sponsored community project, with the proceeds being donated to persons with disabilities.

The project advocated for the differently abled under the theme “Different but able. Silently signing and striving” and involved a host of activities which ran from September 18 to 24.

The activities included a fun day at the Stubbs playing field and then sessions during the week, where students and public servants were taught simple sign language to better aid the communication process. The general public was also given the opportunity to learn such at an exhibition held under the General Post Office gallery. The week culminated for Arielle with assistance from her sponsor, St. Vincent Brewery Ltd (SVBL) and a hearing impaired employee at OSV, installing disabled parking signs at Gitts and Randy’s supermarkets in her community. This activity was followed by the distribution of gift baskets to eight differently-abled persons in same area where the week begun.


The funds from the fun day were donated to the School for Children with Special Needs and the National Society of and for Persons with Disabilities. The persons on hand from both organizations were happy for the donations made and expressed sincere gratitude.

Miss Ollivierre is elated with the execution and success that her project brought about and hopes that more activities of this nature: bringing sign language sessions to the public, can take place to better aid the communication process for differently-abled individuals.