CARICOM Heads decide on action to move forward implementation of the CSME
Press Release
July 15, 2022

CARICOM Heads decide on action to move forward implementation of the CSME

WHILE EXPRESSING disappointment at the slow pace of implementation of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community took immediate steps at their 43rd regular meeting in Suriname last week to move the process forward.


They noted in particular the area of movement of skilled workers and in that regard agreed to definitions of and qualifications for household domestics, an agricultural worker and private security officer which are agreed categories for free movement of people.

In a communique issued after the July 3-5 meeting the Heads mandated the CARICOM Secretariat to convene meetings of the Registrars of Companies and the Ministers with responsibility for companies before the end of this month to elaborate the steps to enable Member States to implement the principle of mutual recognition of any company incorporated in another CARICOM Member State.They are to report on this to the Conference at its meeting in September.

Heads of Government of the 49 year old regional grouping acknowledged that online solutions designed to increase efficiency in the delivery of services to the Region have been advanced.These include – the Labour Market Information System (LMIS), Online Companies Registry System (OCRS), the Community Public Procurement Notice Board (CPPNB), the CARICOM Rapid Alert System for Exchange of Information on Dangerous (non-food) Goods (CARREX) and the CARICOM Interactive Marketplace and Suspension Procedure (CIMSu-Pro).

With respect to the Agrifood sector, the Heads of Government received an update on the progress made by the Ministerial Task Force on Food Production and Food Security (MTF) in advancing the CARICOM Agri-Food Systems Agenda to address the current food security challenges and rising food prices and to achieve their vision to reduce the food import bill by 25 percent by the year 2025.

They noted that a majority of Member States have developed and submitted their national targets to the MTF which will contribute to the attainment of the 25 by 2025 targets.The MTF, through the Secretariat, has developed a reporting and monitoring tool which Member States are requested to report on monthly.

They mandated the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) to conclude, various initiatives and programmes, aimed at the removal of Non-Tariff Barriers to Intra Regional Trade by the end of this month.

The Heads also requested the CARICOM Private Sector Organization Inc. (CPSO) to accelerate implementation for its various agricultural investment projects.

The MTF, working in collaboration with the CPSO, has identified 19 potential investment opportunities for displacing extra-regional agri-food imports among CARICOM Member States.

They commended the Lead Head of Government with responsibility for Agriculture and Agriculture Development in the CARICOM Quasi-Cabinet, Mohammed Irfaan Ali, president of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, for the success of the CARICOM Agri-Investment Forum and Expo held in Guyana from May 19-21, 2022 and endorsed the Action Plan and Outcome Statement of the event.

The Statement called for priority action to be centred around four main areas; Food Insecurity, Regional Transportation, Trade Barriers, and Women and Youth in Agriculture.

The Heads of Government also welcomed the draft Terms of Reference (TOR) developed by the Secretariat for the establishment of a Regional Youth in Agriculture Advisory Mechanism which was agreed upon following the Regional Youth in Agriculture Dialogue during the Forum and Expo.This Advisory Mechanism will assist the MTF in ensuring that youth participation and inclusion is accounted for in all its efforts to achieving 25 by 2025.

Heads of Government endorsed and encouraged participation in the Agri-Investment Forum to be held in Trinidad and Tobago from August 19-21, 2022; and they commended the work of the MTF.