Four children receive Dr Nicholette Spring Pre-school Scholarship
Dr Nicholette Spring
Press Release
May 13, 2022

Four children receive Dr Nicholette Spring Pre-school Scholarship

The parents of four children from the Byera community will find it less financially taxing to send their children to pre-school in September, thanks to the provision of scholarships by a Vincentian who lives abroad.

Dr Nicholette Spring who was born in Dickson and grew up in Mangrove, recently launched the scholarship programme with the school which currently has 36 students. The intention is to provide the scholarships annually.

Spring left St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) 25 years ago to pursue further studies but has always given back to her community; she has a passion for education, a release from her local representatives states.

The recipients have already been selected and they will receive their scholarship vouchers at the close of this term on June 12.

On her recent visit to SVG two weeks ago, she visited the school and was saddened at the lack of toys and visual aids that should be present in a learning environment. The release said the former teacher was touched by this lack and immediately started a project to collect toys and books to donate to the pre-school.

Spring who is also said to be a regular contributor to the Pamelus Burke Government School has as her motto: Positive, Be Happy. Look for the good in people!