Ministry of Education to launch recovery efforts today
THE MINISTRY OF Education will officially launch its recovery efforts with a virtual event on social media today, August 31.
The live broadcast will introduce the public to the Ministry’s two-year recovery plan, which is expected to help students “catchup” with learning lost due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the eruption of La Soufriere, a release states.
The launching exercise will officially set-in-motion a number of activities not only geared towards the development of academic skills, but also life skills. Among other concepts, the recovery programme will emphasise special education and disabilities; the idea of “learning through play”; the relationship among the home, school and community; and the integration of technology in education using apps, websites and games. It will also highlight the contribution of partnering agencies like UNICEF, UNESCO, the Global Partnership in Education (GPE) and the OECS.
Today’s launch begins at 10 a.m. It will be cross-posted on the Facebook pages of the Education Media Unit, VC3, API and NBC Radio. It will also be shared on Youtube and Instagram, and broadcast live on channel 114.