BRAGSA  renovates  Belmont  Observatory Station
The Belmont Observatory Station
Press Release
February 9, 2021

BRAGSA renovates Belmont Observatory Station

The Roads, Buildings and General Services Authority (BRAGSA) has completed renovation work on the Belmont Observatory Station.

Dr Thomas Chistopher inside the newly renovated Belmont Observatory Station

The project saw the repair of two structures; the living quarters for the scientists and the monitoring station.
Work included tiling, plumbing and carpentry.

BRAGSA also painted the buildings.

The project was done over a two-week period.

The Observatory Station, which is located in the village of Rose Hall in North Leeward was set up to monitor the activities of La Soufriere.

Doctor Thomas Christopher leads a six-member team, which comprises four regional personnel and two Vincentians.