Cooking gas prices down
A release, in exercise of the powers conferred by the Price and Distribution of Goods Act (Cap 161), approval was granted for changes to be made to the prices of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as of Sunday December 1, 2019, as detailed below:
A 20lb gas will now sell for $31.85 in Area 1, $32.85 in Area 2, $33.85 Area 3 and $36.85 in Area 4, a decrease of $1.28, since August 2019.
The 25lb cylinder will now sell for $38.56 in Area 1, $39.56 in Area 2, $40.56 Area 3 and $43.56 in Area 4, a decrease of $1.60, since August 2019.
100lb cylinders will now sell for $154.23 in all areas except, Area 4 – which will sell for $175.23, a decrease of $6.40 cents since August 2019.
Area I: means areas within a radius of two miles of the court house, Kingstown.
Area II: means areas adjoining Area I extending from area I north-east to Langley Park and north-west to Keartons including all areas lying between Langley Park and Keartons.
Area III: means all areas on the mainland, other than those falling within Area I & II.
Area IV: means the Grenadines.
Under the Price and Distribution of Goods Act (Cap 161), no person shall in respect of any foods for which the maximum price has been fixed, sell or buy, or agree to sell or buy, any such goods at a price greater than the maximum prices.
Any person who contravenes this provision is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not less than $1500 but not more than $3000.
Also, under this Act, sellers are obligated to provide to customers, once requested, a receipt or delivery slip showing the date of sale, quantity and type (20 lb, 22lb, etc) of LPG cylinders sold, and the price charged. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with this provision is guilty of an offence.