May 20, 2011

Some myths about dogs

1. Dogs should have a litter before they are spayed.

This is not true. Dogs that have a litter before they are spayed are not better for it in any way. In fact, spayed dogs are at lower risk for breast cancer and uterine infections.{{more}}

2. Dogs are sick when their noses are warm.

The temperature of a dogs nose does not indicate health or illness. It also does not indicate if they have a fever. The only accurate method to access a dog’s temperature is to take it with a thermometer. Normal dog temperature is 100.00 to 102.5 degrees F.

3. Mutts are always healthier than purebred dogs.

This is not true. Both mutts and purebred dogs can be either healthy or unhealthy. However, mutts generally do not have many of the genetic diseases that may be common in purebred lines.

4. All dogs like to be petted on their heads.

Some dogs do like to be petted on their heads but many do NOT.

5. Happy dogs wag their tails.

This may be true, but aggressive dogs often wag their tails, too. There are several physical body motions and cues that help dogs communicate their intent. A wagging tail can mean either agitation or excitement. A dog that wags his tail slowly and moves his entire rear end or crouches down in the classic “play bow” position is usually demonstrating a friendly wag. Tails that are wagged when held higher, tails that “twitch” or a wagging tail held over the back may be associated with aggression.

6. Only male dogs will ‘hump” or lift their leg to urinate.

This is not true. Female dogs, especially dominant female dogs, will lift their leg to urinate and “hump” other dogs or objects. This can be true even in spayed female dogs.

7. Garlic prevents fleas.

Even though some of my clients believe that this is so, garlic has NOT been scientifically proven to be helpful for flea control. Large amounts of garlic can even be harmful.

8. Dogs eat grass when they are sick.

Dogs descended from wild wolves and foxes that ate all parts of their “kill”. This included the stomach contents of many animals that ate fruits and grass. Some scientists believe grass was once part of dog’s normal diet, and eating small amounts of grass is normal.

9. Dogs like tasty food.

Dogs have very poor taste buds and eat primarily based on their sense of smell.

10. Licking is Healing.

It is natural for a dog to lick its wounds, but this not necessarily always “healing”. Too much licking can actually prohibit healing.

11. Dogs will let you know when they are sick.

Dogs generally are very good at hiding that they are sick by survival instinct, so as not to appear vulnerable to “prey”. Often by the time they show you that they are sick, their disease or condition is quite advanced. On the other hand, if the relationship with your dog is very close, I have heard of many cases where they may try to alert you to the fact that they are not feeling well.

12. Dogs eat rocks, lick concrete or eat their or another animals stools because of nutrient imbalances.

Sometimes this is caused by certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies and the condition is called pica. Some dogs that eat “things” may be trying to get attention or acting out of boredom. It is important for dogs to eat a well balanced diet that will fulfill their dietary and nutrient requirements and have plenty of opportunities for play and exercise.

13. Dogs don’t need to be housebroken – they naturally know where to go.

Oh…if only this were true. You need to train your dog on where to go. This preferably happens when you start at a young age, and give your dog positive encouragement for jobs well done.

For further information, contact: Dr. Collin Boyle Unique Animal Care Co. Ltd. Tel: 456 4981
