January 28, 2011

Getting a handle on Cat Hairballs

Cat breeds with long fur tend to develop hairballs more easily than those with short hair. Hairballs in cats shouldn’t be taken for granted as they pose many serious problems if left untreated. If your furry friend cannot rid itself of a hairball through defecating or vomiting, she might suffer from a blockage in her digestive system. Severe cases of hairballs are life-threatening and need to be removed though surgery.{{more}} Among the common symptoms of your cat having hairballs is the loss of appetite and erratic bowel movements. A cat with hairballs usually suffers from constipation.

Though there is no exact treatment to cure common hairballs, there are many preventative measures that can be taken to avoid any costly surgery. Remember that the formation of hairballs in a cat’s stomach is caused by a behavioral problem. Often times, cats that develop hairballs are either compulsive, bored or stressed out. You can prevent your cat from ingesting her fur by redirecting her energy and attention to fun activities such as playing in the yard or giving her treats and toys.

Here are some simple hairball treatment tips to control or minimize the chance of getting hairballs:

1. Regular cat grooming is an effective way to prevent hairballs. Comb your cat’s fur as often as possible to get rid of dead hair. After brushing, wipe your cat’s fur using a moist, clean towel to remove excess dead fur. By doing this step, you will lessen the amount of hair ingested by your cat.

2. If hairballs continue to bother your pet, use a special lubricant to help your cat better digest the offending hairballs.

3. Buy special hairball treats for your feline friend. Nowadays, you can purchase a wide variety of edible cat treats with particular components that are designed to break up hairballs. Many of these cat treats consist of mineral oil.

4. If your feline shows problematic behaviors like retching or lack of bowel movements, bring her to the vet as soon as possible. She needs to undergo a thorough medical examination to determine the best possible treatment method to get rid of the hairballs.

For further information, contact: Dr. Collin Boyle
Unique Animal Care Co. Ltd. Tel: 456 4981