Pet euthanasia continued….
Euthanasia is most often accomplished for pets by injection of a death inducing drug. Your Veterinarian may administer a tranquilizer first to relax your pet. Following the injection of the euthanasia drug, your pet will immediately become deeply and irreversibly unconscious. Death will be quick and painless.{{more}}
How can I say goodbye?
The act of saying goodbye is an important step in managing the natural and healthy feelings of grief and sorrow and loss. Your pet is an important part of your life and it is natural to be feel you are loosing a friend or companion, because you are.
Once the euthanasia decision has been made, you and other family members may want to say goodbye to your pet. A last evening with your pet at home or a visit to the pet at the hospital may be appropriate. Family members who want to be alone with the pet should be allowed to do so. Farewells are always difficult.
How can I face the loss?
After your pet has died, it is natural and normal to feel grief and sorrow. The grieving process includes accepting the reality of your loss, accepting that the loss and accompanying feelings are painful, and adjusting to your new life that no longer includes your pet. By understanding the grieving process, you will be better prepared to manage your grief and to help others in the family who share this loss.
Should I get another pet?
Some people may feel they would never want another pet. I have heard that lots of times, but in time most pet owners do get another.
For others, a new pet may help them recover from their loss more quickly.
Stages of Grief.
There are many stages of grief, but not everyone experiences them all or in the same order.
1. Denial: May begin when you first learn the seriousness of petâs illness or injuries.
2. Anger or guilt: Often follows denial. Your anger may be directed towards people you normally love and respect, including family members and your veterinarian.
3. Depression: You may also feel depressed. The tears flow, there are knots in your stomach, and you feel drained of all your energy.
4. Resolution and acceptance:
Although the stages of grief apply universally, grieving is always a personal process. Some people take longer than others to come to terms with denial, anger, guilt and depression, and each loss is different. If you understand that these are normal reactions, you will be better prepared to cope with your own feelings and to help others face theirs.
For further information, contact: Dr. Collin Boyle
Unique Animal Care Co. Ltd.
Tele: 456 4981