We must right our wrongs
Kenna Questelles
Our Readers' Opinions
February 21, 2025

We must right our wrongs

Editor: In response to the February 12, 2025 ruling by the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate case, I am deeply saddened by the ruling and I express my utmost solidarity with the public servants who were unjustly dismissed. No government in a democratic and free state should be allowed to infringe on the rights of its citizens.

The severe impact the mandate has had on hundreds of educators and their families has trickled into unforeseen ramifications on the education of our youth and the formation of a troubling precedent for how health crises will be managed on a national level moving forward. Furthermore, after being forced out of their jobs, the ULP government has crawled back to the very professionals they dismissed requesting that they reapply, further expressing their lack of respect or remorse for what has occurred. The emotional and financial burdens our Vincentian public servants have had to endure, mirror the hardships of historical injustices of slavery.

We must not allow such oppressive laws to dictate the lives of Vincentians or impact the critical development of our youth. When elected, fairly and by the people, I commit to rectifying these wrongs and proposing reparations through reinstatement with full back pay and other benefits.

Moreover, I pledge to be an active champion in the fight to rescind the Public Health (Amendment) Bill of 2021 requiring mandatory vaccination. We the people deserve stronger integrity in legislation to hold public officials accountable. Less talking, more action!

Kenna Questelles
( Independent candidate for West St George)