Intellectuals and the Word of God
Our Readers' Opinions
January 17, 2025

Intellectuals and the Word of God

Editor: Many intellectuals have, and continue to question the bible and even the importance of God and religion.

Religion is man made and operated by man’s orders and administration. However, Christianity is where Christ is the head and follows God’s Word, the bible which is the constitution on which Christianity is governed.

Romans 8:7 states, “ The Carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” So no wonder they cannot understand God and they question the bible. They read the bible with a mind filled with criticism and try to interpret the bible from reasoning. So when according to their reasoning, it does not make sense, then they doubt the bible and question God’s ways of doing things.
Man in his finite mind would not be able to understand God and why He does certain things.

God is not a dictator, so He gives us choices. That is why men continue to disobey God knowing it is wrong. So when man in his disobedience chooses to do things that are wrong, God then acts in judgement because there are consequences for our actions and God is holy and requires holiness. An example of that is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the floods that came in NOAH’S day and wiped out an entire nation. These nations had little regard for God and his holiness and practiced all types of sin. So God had to destroy the nations. He is indeed the supreme authority.

Adam, Abraham and many Old Testament as well as New Testament saints who transgressed God’s law, did it in full knowledge of what they had done was wrong. The intellectuals may question as to why God allowed them. Well they, as well as us today, have a choice, so when God acts in judgement we should not blame God for it is our choice and as a result we live with the consequences.

Even science proved the existence of God and the creation and power of God. Many intellectuals have based their reasoning on what they see. Christianity is based on FAITH in a mighty God where Christ is the Head,and not based on reasoning or trying to understand God. We just have to believe in what He says is true and trust Him that He never lies or makes a mistake. The evil that is practiced today, the intellectuals have reasoned and say how can a righteous and loving God who is supposed to be powerful allow evil. Well, again, God does not force anyone to do that which is right. He gives man their choice, but He in His own time will take charge.
I encourage our intellectuals to continue to read the bible and in your reading and reason, one day you will come to accept the truth and embrace God and His word, the Bible.

Kennard King