The Christmas Festivities: A perpetuation of ancient idolatrous traditions
Our Readers' Opinions
December 24, 2024

The Christmas Festivities: A perpetuation of ancient idolatrous traditions

EDITOR: People frequently follow customs set by society without first questioning where these time-honoured traditions originated. They assume that the world around them accurately portrays the way people should live. It is their belief that, since the various denominations of nominal Christianity use the bible in their teachings, they are faithfully following the biblical way of life with the traditions and customs that they keep.

However, your Bible warns continually against accepting the ways of the world. Jeremiah 10:2 admonishes us not to learn the way of the heathen (the Hebrew word is goyim -meaning the nations of the world). The line drawn between the practices of the Apostolic Assembly on the one hand, and the religious lifestyle of the world on the other, is pointedly driven home by a veritable multitude of scriptures. Just because millions of people do something is no clear indication such a practice was originally derived from the Bible.

A quick research into the ‘origins of Christmas’ will reveal obvious similarities between the Christmas traditions and the ancient Roman Saturnalia. When we understand that this ancient Roman observance was celebrated close to the winter solstice, the association between Christmas and the feast of the ancient pagans becomes even more obvious.

December 25th has been celebrated as a holiday in pagan worship from antiquity. In fact, one of the names given to the Saturnalia series of royal festivals in mythology was Paganalia! Possibly, this is the origin of the term Pagan Worship, that is often conferred upon false, unscriptural worship of any kind. Please see Larousse’s Encyclopedia of Mythology, page 219.

The Saturnalia was a festival popular in ancient Rome, and observed for a duration of from five to seven days, beginning with December 17. This pagan festival was characterized by unrestrained festivity. It began with a religious ceremony to honour Saturn, which was followed by an immense, gluttonous feast. The etymology of the name Saturn means abundance.
Historians have clearly established that December 25th was anciently a pagan sun worship observance. Let us view the following quote carefully: “The choice of December 25 was probably influenced by the fact that on this day the Romans celebrated the Mithraic feast of the Sun-god (notalis solis invicti), and that the Saturnalia also came at this time.” (Article, Christmas, Collier’s Encyclopedia).

Almost every reference work confirms, without hesitation, that holiness attached to the December 25th celebration does not come from the Bible, but must be traced to ancient idolatrous sun worship. Many of the Christmas traditions observed today include – eating of pork (ham), Christmas dolls, Christmas trees and lights, the mother and child nativity, the Yule log – all of which have their roots in paganism and not in the teachings of the scriptures.
When secular writers join with the ecclesiastical writers to label the observance of Christmas as totally pagan, should not individuals, who want to serve the Heavenly Father Yahweh faithfully, feel deep revulsion? When they freely acknowledge that the Saviour’s birth never occurred on December 25th, should we then perpetuate such a gigantic hoax and outright falsehood? If you have wondered why a myth like Santa Claus, with such prevaricated deception that accompanies it could have taken firm hold on society, you should now be able to discern that the entire observance of Christmas is false from start to finish.

Christmas is not named in the Scriptures. It has never been sanctified by Almighty Yahweh.

Mankind cannot make it holy, however fervently the people observe it. So, should we continue to take part in such idolatrous revelry when the facts stand proven that these traditions were invented to honour pagan idols? Absolutely not! If we wish to please Almighty Yahweh, we must evict every vestige of idolatry from our spiritual lives (Revelation 18:4). We should “fear Yahweh and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man”. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

Ulrick Sutherland
Assemblies of Yahweh, SVG