Our Readers' Opinions
November 15, 2024

Let us use technology for the right purpose

Editor: Technology plays an important role in this modern age of development. Social media has its good and its bad. While it can be used positively, it is also used negatively. It is unfortunate that many persons use it to destroy persons’ character. People also use it as a means of getting back at each other.

On the other hand, many persons use it positively to educate and pass on relevant information. Politically, it is sometimes used for propaganda. Whether positively or negatively, it influences as it plays on the minds of persons.

Sadly, but true, movies, songs, and other information seen on social media play an important role in influencing many of our young people. These shows and songs are in our homes, so our children do not have to go anywhere to be influenced. In many homes, technology has become more of a companion than the parents who often leave their children up to technology.

Many of these movies are satanic, likewise the songs they listen to. Some of the movies and songs portray violence and money as the way to go. It even shows persons how they can be involved in crimes. This latter contributes to some of the crimes we are hearing and witnessing.

It is of importance that parents be there for their children and do not let technology be their influencer-proper supervision of our children and education as to what is important. However, if our adults are not using technology positively, then how do we expect the children not to do likewise, and how can they be educated.

I realize it is a challenge in these modern days to educate our children in the right way since there is so readily available technology at their disposal. However, efforts ought to be made by parents to ensure that the right things are seen by kids via the use of technology, and also to listen to the right kind of music.

I pray our homes will rise up to their responsibility and let technology be used for the right purpose and that it does not control our homes and by extension our children and neighbourhood.

Kennard King