As a Christian nation we need to be practising forgiveness
Our Readers' Opinions
October 18, 2024

As a Christian nation we need to be practising forgiveness

EDITOR: We are often referred to as a Christian nation. So that means that our lifestyle and practices ought to be in line with Christian values and principles. Amongst the many are, forgiveness and lack of revenge.

Amongst the many reasons for the rising crimes have to do with the two aforementioned. Far too many persons failed to forgive. In Matthew 6: 14-15, we are told that if we forgive, then God would forgive, but if we don’t forgive our sins would not be forgiven. The lack of forgiveness leads to revenge.

We need as a people to be able to deal with our differences without being violent. We wish that we would be able to forgive those who hurt us and not seek for revenge. Can you imagine our failure to forgive and because of that we end up in hell, even though we are actively involved in church.

Forgiveness not only opens the door for God to forgive us our sins, but also lifts from our shoulder a weight and gives us freedom. When we forgive we would not seek to take revenge. Instead we would allow God to take revenge. His justice far outweighs our justice.

As Christians, when we follow these principles as mentioned we are opening the doors for God’s blessings on ourselves and that of our children. While, on the other hand, if we fail to forgive and seek to revenge, our children are likely to do the same.

No wonder we have so many young ones involving in crimes, for as adults we are to lead the way and be the role models. When there is a lack of guidance in this way and practice we are going in the wrong direction.

I beg of us to forgive each other, knowing that we too need forgiveness.

Also, let us not take justice in our own hands, but let justice take its course and let the Lord, if we are indeed a Christian nation, be the revenger. Let us consider that we are only hurting ourselves when we take revenge, because it is a cycle that would repeat itself. Also, we are keeping ourselves from being free, when we fail to forgive.

As we celebrate another Independence, let us move forward with love in our hearts. Let us seek before God to find it in our hearts to forgive and also put aside revenge. May God bless us as a nation.

Kennard King