My Alma Mater
Our Readers' Opinions
September 27, 2024

My Alma Mater

EDITOR: The SVG Boys Grammar School celebrated 116 years. It is indeed a milestone worthy of praise. It has come a long way. As a former student, I am proud to have attended it. So congratulations are in order for its many years of operation. I know the historians would be able to give us a good history of the school.

Many persons who have achieved great heights, both locally and internally have had their schooling at this institution of which many of us are proud. I take this opportunity to wish the staff and students continued success and all the best.

However, we are aware that it is not as it was many years ago, and likewise, schools are not like they were many years ago. In days gone by, even up to the early twenties, a student was proud to be called a Grammar School student. We were proud of our school, and we wore our uniform with dignity. We could not find ourselves misbehaving while wearing that uniform. We respected it. Today, it is not so. Discipline has gone out the windows.

We had teachers who taught us not for the love of money, but for the love of people and the job. We had more dedicated teachers and, of course, we did not have technology as we have today, so the teachers then did more research and were more prepared then, unlike today, where lots of work [is] given to the student to research on the internet. So, with the increase in technology, learning becomes easier as knowledge [is] more readily available as against days gone by. Thus, the magnitude of research and skills that were required then is not needed now.

I am sure many past students can recall many good old days when there was more camaraderie. Discipline both at school and outside were more prevalent then than now. There [was] more admiration for a student attending that school than it is now. I know we can all agree that what I mentioned is not just for Grammar school, but for other schools.

Today, schooling is of a different ball game. That camaraderie is not as it used to be. Discipline is not as it used to be. Respect for teachers and elderlies and love for students by teachers are greatly reduced. More persons are academically qualified today than days gone by which is indeed a plus, but with the qualifications, that is still a lacking of brains and commitment to work.

In closing, let us be thankful for the achievements of the SVG Boys Grammar School and let us continue to pray for our children. We are indeed living in some challenging times and so parenting and teaching are facing different challenges than in our days. It is becoming harder and harder. I trust that the Bible and devotions remain an integral part of the school as it was in our days.

To the staff, I wish you all God’s richest blessings and may His wisdom and strength be part of you as you seek to impart knowledge to these young minds. Be conscious of the fact that many of our students come to school with baggage of different kinds and so God’s guidance is very important.
All the best to my ALMA MATER. God bless.

Kennard King