Vybz Kartel embraced but teachers and public servants discarded
Our Readers' Opinions
August 30, 2024

Vybz Kartel embraced but teachers and public servants discarded

EDITOR: Jamaican artiste Adidja Palmer (Vybz Kartel) got a seat at the ‘king’s table’ while teachers and public servants are still being oppressed by the Gonsalves-led government for refusal to comply with his asinine ‘vaccine’ mandate.

The celebrity-type treatment of Kartel by government officials and Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves has certainly created a feeling of disgust among conscientious citizens in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Reasonable-minded Vincentians are questioning the ‘special’ treatment while the pain of nation builders continues to be glaringly ignored or callously disregarded by the wicked ULP administration. The suffering of dismissed workers has not yet touched a sympathetic cord in the arrogant leader. He does not have the morality to acknowledge his obvious wrong against workers. He forced an unsafe and ineffective jab upon our people. Lives and livelihoods have been destroyed by his unrighteous and grievous decree. Yet he has shown no sign of humility and willingness to turn. He remains unapologetic and unrepentant. In November 2021, more than 500 teachers and public servants were illegally dismissed from their jobs.

Some had worked for decades and were close to retirement. They were mandated to take an experimental jab or suffer the heavy-handed consequences of losing all their hard-earned benefits. The tyranny does not end there. After the court ruled that the mandate was unlawful and unconstitutional and that natural justice was breached, Gonsalves decided to disregard the court’s just judgement. His government took the matter to the Court of Appeals. It is August 2024. We are still awaiting a judgement from that court.

The Prime Minister’s heart is cold against Vincentian workers- his own people. He does not care if we starve. He does not care if we cannot provide for our children. He is not concerned whether we can pay our bills or not. Too bad for us if we lose our property, being unable to pay our mortgage. Too bad if we die. His countrymen are undeserving of the mercy while he lavishes Vybz Kartel with it.

A recent IWitness News article reported that Gonsalves’ reception of Kartel was an act of mercy to facilitate him in receiving medical intervention for an illness. In the usual callaloo of talk where he conveniently and hypocritically quotes Scriptures and ancient literature, Gonsalves said “…I mean, we’re facilitating, because the impulse came from a simple word called mercy. Somebody who is in need is reaching out for help…”.

If I were an outsider and had not suffered persecution from Gonsalves regime, I may have been deceived into thinking that the Prime Minister has a genuine interest in relieving human suffering. But, I know better. My name is Ann-Marie Ballantyne who was illegally fired more than 20 years of committed service at the St. Vincent Grammar School where I taught French, Spanish, Geography, English Language and Health and Family Life Education (HFLE). I also served at the Girls’ High School and the St. Joseph’ Convent Kingstown for some time. My husband’s name is Shefflorn Ballantyne who was an accounting lecturer at the Community College for more than fourteen years, with an unmatched record of dedication. He too was unlawfully dismissed under the mandate. We are just 2 out of the five hundred. We chose to obey God’s dictate to our conscience rather than men’s (Acts 5:29). Where is the mercy for us? We were born right here and have served our country, with distinction. This government has repeatedly shown that it has lost its purpose. It has no interest in serving the people by respecting and protecting our God-given and constitutionally protected rights.

Gonsalves seems to think that this country is his farm, and we are his property. We are discarded if we disagree with and reject Gonsalves’ dictates. If we do not allow his government to dominate our conscience, we are treated like outcast. When a government has reached this stage, that is clearest indication that it is unfit to govern.

The men who inspiringly penned the United States of America Declaration of Independence rightfully stated what should be done with governments which have no regards for inalienable rights- “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
The ULP should be voted out of office. I hope that Vincentians remove such a dishonourable wicked bunch in the 2025 General elections. Protest their wickedness. Vote them out!

Ann-Marie Ballantyne