Better services needed from FLOW
Our Readers' Opinions
June 18, 2024

Better services needed from FLOW

EDITOR: I am writing to express my profound dissatisfaction and growing frustration with the abysmal service provided by our local telecommunications company, FLOW. For far too long, the citizens of St. Vincent and the Grenadines have endured substandard service and outright neglect from this company, which seems to have little regard for the needs of its loyal customers.

First and foremost, the issue of erratic and unreliable opening hours at FLOW’s retail locations cannot be overstated. Customers often arrive during the advertised hours only to find the doors locked, staff in sight but unprepared to serve. This blatant disregard for customers’ time and schedules is not only unprofessional but also indicative of a deeper organizational dysfunction. A company that cannot manage its basic operational hours is failing at a fundamental level of service delivery.

When one finally manages to gain entry to the store, they are met with another hurdle: an overcrowded environment with only one or two agents available to assist an endless queue of frustrated customers. The chronic understaffing at these locations is a glaring oversight that FLOW has repeatedly failed to address. Customers are forced to endure excessive wait times, only to receive hurried and inadequate service when their turn finally arrives. This scenario is not only a waste of time, but also a significant source of stress and frustration for customers who simply want their issues resolved.

The situation is equally dire when attempting to reach FLOW through their telephone support service. It is not uncommon to spend hours trying to get through, only to be met with an unprofessional and unhelpful operator when finally connected. These operators often seem disinterested and ill-prepared to address the concerns of callers, further compounding the frustration of an already arduous process. This lack of efficient and effective telephone support is inexcusable, particularly in an age where reliable telecommunications are essential for both personal and professional communication.

One of the most egregious issues, however, is the lack of transparency and communication regarding service outages. Customers frequently experience outages without any prior notice or subsequent explanation from FLOW. This lack of accountability is particularly troubling, as it leaves customers in the dark and without the services they depend on. In an era where connectivity is crucial, such neglect is not only inconvenient but also potentially disruptive to livelihoods and daily activities.

Furthermore, the company’s online and social media presence offers little solace. Updates are sparse, and responses to customer inquiries are often delayed or entirely absent. This
digital disconnect is yet another indicator of FLOW’s disregard for effective customer communication and service.

The citizens of St. Vincent and the Grenadines deserve far better than the current state of affairs.

We have supported this company for decades, and in return, we are met with subpar service, indifference, and a complete lack of accountability. It is time for FLOW to take immediate and decisive action to rectify these issues. This includes hiring additional staff to adequately cover their service points, implementing rigorous customer service training programs, ensuring reliable and accessible telephone support, and maintaining transparent communication with their customers, particularly during service disruptions.

We, the loyal customers of FLOW, demand better. We will no longer tolerate this blatant disregard for our needs and our time. It is time for FLOW to honour the trust and support that we have extended to them for so many years. The citizens of St. Vincent and the Grenadines deserve nothing less than respectful, efficient, and reliable telecommunications services. FLOW must step up and deliver on these expectations immediately, or risk losing the very customers who have sustained them for so long.

Frustrated customer