Insulting Billboard
Our Readers' Opinions
June 7, 2024

Insulting Billboard

Further to the reports in local media concerning the billboard erected by the NDP. Despite all the pontifications by the NDP leader justifying the matter, the fact remains that it was put up for one purpose and one purpose only. To gain political points against the ULP. Although l very much agree with all the comments made in support of it’s removal, l feel that there is one very important aspect that has been overlooked. lf one takes the number of murders claimed, this means that 52 families have suffered the murder of a relative. This in itself must be a very traumatic experience and l would wish it on nobody. Although such circumstances can never be forgotten, l am sure that those effected are trying to come to terms with the matter and, hopefully, trying to live a “normal” life, as best they can. But how can they do this when the NDP is capitalising [on] their private bereavement? l assume that each time they view this billboard it brings back memories of their deceased relative and the circumstances of their death. l wonder how they feel when they note that the NDP is making political capital out of their tragic family circumstances. lt is both unforgivable and inhuman that the NDP should stoop so low as too capitalise on others grave misfortune. ln closing, l feel that the leader should issue a sincere and heartfelt apology to all the families concerned and consign this billboard to the bonfire.

A. W. Indupp