The importance of the media
Our Readers' Opinions
June 4, 2024

The importance of the media

EDITOR: Media plays a very important role in any country. Editor, I must commend you for allowing me and other persons to contribute to your paper. This shows the freedom of expression that you allow. The media can have an effect both negatively and positively on any country. It can be a weapon used by political parties to have their agenda and propaganda promoted. The unfortunate thing is that many media lack research and some lack independence. Far too often many media gravitate towards propaganda because it makes them popular and attract more views and attention. There are those however, who tend towards education and the dissemination of factual information. These media do not get the ratings and popularity as they ought to receive.

There is definitely a shortage of good investigative journalism. Investigative journalism can be both dangerous for the media house in that it would be heavily criticized and as a result may lose some popularity, and also it can be dangerous for the persons, institutions and even government, in that when the truth comes out and is exposed can dent the confidence of the persons, institutions and governments.

On the other hand, investigative journalism is not always about exposing wrong doings, but can also be positive, in that, it can highlight something or things done that are good and positive, but was not given the exposure and the benefits.

So, while the media houses, many of whom play on the minds of many, continue to increase and many are gravitating towards them for varying reasons, including political, let us not underestimate the importance of the media houses. I encourage our media houses to focus on the facts, even when it is needful to be critical. The criticism must be honest, and constructive and not tainted with bias and political mischief. For we know that many persons simply believe what they read or hear from the media houses.

That is why it is important the truth and not bias be disseminated.

Also a well balanced media house would not strive on political bias and would instead seek to educate and improve the minds and thinking of persons. But to focus mainly on negativity and fail to promote the positive is a media house that is bias and not balanced and lacks independence and professionalism.

Our love for country ought to take first place and so I urge media houses to lift their standard of information and not allow propaganda and negativity to control them.

Kennard King