Looking for our Extension Officers
EDITOR: The Extension Officer is critical to our success as farmers because he represents a repository of knowledge that may make the difference between a profit or loss. Each individual farmer should not be left to struggle on his own with his limited knowledge and experience.
Farmers need to know what, when, where, and how to plant. It is the dry season, and while some are engaged in soil preparation, those with access to water are cultivating crops successfully. Some plants grow better during the dry season. Knowledge of the climate, weather and weather pattern will aid planning. Although the season may vary from year to year, adequate preparation will benefit the farmer not only for growth, but also for pest control.
In some years the crop of corn is ready for harvest before the attack of butterfly larva. Knowledge of the behaviour of pests will minimize the use of pesticides and encourage biological control methods.
Some soil types support certain crops. Through testing services, the farmer will be armed with this knowledge. Additionally, the type of manure or fertilizer needed will be applied.
Market research informs the farmer of the produce in demand and how his crops are expected to be sold on maturity.
Knowing that our source of food needs to be secure, when will our Extension Officers be deployed so that their repository of knowledge is always available to farmers?
Anthony G. Stewart, PhD