Parking space woes in Kingstown
EDITOR: With the moving of the Little Tokyo bus terminal to the Geest shed as a temporary move, this will definitely add to the existing drama of parking spaces in Kingstown.
Let me make it clear that I am not opposed to this move and the cleaning up of Kingstown, but it leads to another problem. Added to that is the situation at the cruise ship berth, which is also used as a paid parking lot. However, when cruise ship are in the harbour that parking lot is not available since it is mainly used for taxis. Vehicles are increasing although we complain about the high duty for clearing these vehicles at the Custom. Therefore, we would always have parking problems.
So as it stands right now it is difficult to find parking spaces, and sometimes all the parking lots are full to capacity and so when the Geest shed is used as a terminal for the Little Tokyo and it will be very, very difficult to find parking spaces in town. Some were using Massy Supermarket parking area but now it is not possible, since you cannot park longer than an hour or you will be clamped. With this new development it makes it even more frustrating to find parking spaces.
Some simple recommendations are: Expand and modernize some of the parking lots, namely, the one at the back of the Registry owned by the Town Board and the one opposite the Central Police Station. The expansion and modernization is to make these parking lots double deckers, with CCTV and wash rooms. Of course the fee will have to increase. Also, some business places that have spaces should make parking lots for their workers.
Local persons and businesses should be encouraged to have paid parking lots. Of course there can be more ideas as to help in easing the parking spaces in Kingstown.
Kennard King