We should not encourage prostitution, but we cannot change it
Editor: Prostitution is not a new thing or a ‘just come’. It was in existence in bible days. Rahab was a harlot. Who in effect was prostituting and so were others in bible times. I am certain that all of us are aware that since our birth and until now, there has been prostitution. It just means that more light has been shed upon it as against long ago where there [was] hardly [any] technology.
For some it is an easier way of making money. There are those who do it out of need and economic situation. In some countries it is legal and becomes an occupation where they earn fast money. So it’s not true to pin it down to poverty.
Either way you look at it, those who prostitute themselves have to earn the income from persons who have money. So it is not always about poverty but rather a lifestyle and choice that someone makes. Many men have had sexual affairs with ladies who are neither their wives nor girlfriends and in doing so have to offer money or material things to the person he or she is cheating with. This is also prostitution, because it is where a person sells his or her body for money or other material things.
Being involved in prostitution is lowering your self worth as an individual. However it is a widely accepted norm although it is not legal.
Come to think of it, it is said that nothing is free. So a man does a favour for a lady and in return he receives sexual favour. That my friends is prostitution. So while we may say that times are hard and it is because of poverty come to think of it, the lady who prostitutes have to be paid and so the man who she prostitutes with has to have some means of money in order to pay. Then it means that the man is not living in poverty.
Simply put, prostitution is for some ladies a good way of earning an income and it is a lifestyle that they choose. Many ladies would tell you that they use their body to send their children to school and obtain other necessities. While for some it is not out of necessity but rather a way of enriching themselves because there are ladies that are employed and earn a reasonable salary but prostitute to enrich themselves.
Don’t get tricked, men also prostitute with men and in many cases it is not because of poverty but because of the desire to enrich them more and obtain a faster means of income. Prostitution on the whole is something that no change of government can stop. It is a fact that as wealth increases so would prostitution. It is something we should not encourage, but the harsh reality is that we can not change it. It would be amongst us until the good Lord takes full control of the world.
Until then let us lift our standards and place a value on our lives. By doing so it would minimize the practice of prostitution. But it is humans we are dealing with and greed which also contributes to prostitution will remain amongst us. May God help us to be satisfied with what we have and to honestly seek to work hard for what we need.
Kennard King