Are we empowering women and neglecting our men?
Our Readers' Opinions
March 11, 2022

Are we empowering women and neglecting our men?

EDITOR: Are our ladies empowered and do they have a voice? Let us have an honest analysis. It is estimated that over sixty percent (60%) of all Permanent Secretaries and heads of department are females. I want to believe that in the private sector, managers who are females and owners of business are around that figure. So tell me, are our ladies empowered and do they have a voice?

The Head of State is a female. The speaker of the house of Assembly is a female. The clerk of the house of Assembly is a female and most of the staff there are females. The former Attorney General is a female and we have had a female Deputy Prime Minister.

In the House of Assembly where there are a total of six senators, three are females. So tell me, do they have a voice and are they empowered? At School there are a large number of principals and head teachers being females. As a matter of fact, females outnumber men in almost all departments.

In the church, females outnumber the males in almost all departments. Some even say that this world is a woman’s world. In the home many times the ladies are the ones who are more influential and have the greater say. On the whole most of the civil service and private institutions and business are female dominated. So tell me, Are our females empowered and do they have a voice?

When we look at abuse and domestic violence let it be known that I do not support any form of abuse and domestic violence.
However, it is often seen as women are more the victims than men. While I would agree that there is some truth to that there are many men who are victims of abuse by their female spouse but since it is a woman’s world many times he is silent. If he decides to even report it he is looked down upon and sometimes some men are even afraid to let others know because he will be seen as weak. Therefore many men suffer in silence and some even resort to violence.

Ladies in cases have to accept the fact they do contribute to these domestic violence and abuse. I must make it clear that it is not in all cases, but in some cases. For example most ladies are not independent enough and so men are expected to take almost the financial responsibilities. So when their spouse cannot give them what they would expect from their spouse financially unfaithfulness can occur. When unfaithfulness in this respect takes place, many men resort to physical abuse and different forms of abuse.

We would all agree that there are some men who serve sentences for sexual offences were innocent, but was framed by his female partner because something may have gone wrong, or out of revenge. However, there are some cases where indeed the men are wicked and abusive not because of any contributing factor by the woman and some are even wicked in committing sexual acts on minors.
The list can go on and on, but suffice it to say that many ladies are making a larger salary than many men and we know that in this day and age both men and women are both receiving equal pay for the same class of work. We even have female skilled workers, sports personalities and chauffeurs. So tell me, are our women empowered and do they have a voice?

So much emphasis is placed on ladies that our men and boys are left neglected. No wonder many turn to crimes. There is definitely a need for a balance emphasis on gender equality. Some attention ought to be given by the gender affairs department on empowering our boys and men. Street boys and homeless males is a good evidence of gender bias that do exist in our society and the need to empower our boys and men.

Kennard King