Take into consideration legalization, regulation of marijuana
For medical purposes, I would say that it should be legalized. This discussion was at the forefront couple years back. I also wrote about it also. For recreational purposes, I think that care must be taken in legalizing it. {{more}}Research has shown that marijuana can help cure asthma. I am certain that more research would show that it can be helpful for other medical purposes. Many persons have written about it, thus there is no need to be repetitious.
Care and good organization must be given in legalizing this drug. Farmers must be registered to plant this crop. In doing so, it would minimize the crime, since farmers would have a redress when their crop is stolen. Also it would minimize the ârip offâ many persons face by the drug lords. For when they are robbed, it gives rise to crime, such as murder. However, with the legalization, the Government and private investor would be the authorized buyers.
This will then become an industry. Factories can be built to import the product and also the making of medical products. Students can study in this area of making medical products from this herb and also to show the benefits derived from this herb. This will enlarge the field of studies in medicine and as a result, aid the development of this country.
It would also create employment from farmers to factory workers and also other fields of service. Similarly so, taxes can be gained from the export of the herb and also from products made from this product. With the increase in employment, more monies would be spent locally, which will eventually spill over into the supermarkets, stores, and other businesses. With the increase in businesses, it means that more revenue would be collected by the Government and also more persons would be employed in the stores and other businesses.
With the increase in medical products to cure diseases, it would decrease the many health problems in this country. With a healthier nation, you will have a more productive society. On the other hand, when it is used for recreational purposes, many times it is abused. As a result there are health problems associated with it, such as lung cancer and other sicknesses. Thus, it can be a bit challenging to legalize it totally.
However, it is my personal view that the time has come to review the laws concerning marijuana. Imagine someone is arrested and charged for a small quantity of marijuana. When a person is charged, he is given a criminal record which would in the end be an obstacle for that person to get a police record for some years. Those who are the large exporters should be charged.
We must, however, bear in mind that this drug is a dependency drug. A person who begins to use this drug sometimes become addicted and so puts his life at risk health wise. Some persons then move on to harder drugs, such as cocaine and LSD, just to name a few.
In closing, I would hope that following elections, this matter is given some attention and also imprisonment for a small quantity and a person being given a criminal record. Let us look at this subject with an open mind. And let us be sober in our thinking and using of this substance.
Kennard King