Crime in SVG, a cause for concern
Fri Nov 14, 2014
Editor: Last weekendâs killings, where three persons got killed has brought the number, if my memory serves me right, to 36. This figure, we know, is record-breaking and is very high.
This high murder rate has created a bad taste in Vincy land. It is a cause for concern and discussion. We have to first of all realize that no government can stop these crimes, if we analyse carefully the several causes of these heinous crimes.{{more}}
A close and thorough investigation would show that most of these murders are as a result of drugs and revenge. In some cases, it may be domestic violence and even conflicts. Very seldom does it have anything to do with government or politics, unless we want to be political.
The home plays a major role in its contribution to crimes of various kinds, including murder; for example, when these youngsters grow up in a weak family where very little or no love shown to them. They then turn to the wrong kinds of friends, who in turn influence them to sell drugs and, as a result, they end up with guns and soon become criminals. It is therefore important that fathers and mothers play an important role in the lives of their children. The society and friends can also influence some of these men into a life of crime by teaching them the wrong things and also them not having the right and godly role models.
We must never forget that we are living in the last days, where these things were already mentioned in the HOLY BIBLE. For it says that in the last days, âBecause of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,â Matthew 24: 12. Also the Bible says that âthe heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked â who can know it?â Jeremiah 17: 9.
I take this opportunity to express my profound sadness at the passing of these three men over the weekend and extend sympathy to the immediate family and friends. Let us, as a people, put away from us the iniquity and wickedness that has contributed in a major way to these killings. Let us learn to forgive and to love one another. Let us all, from the head to the bottom, develop a love for one another.
Let us learn to love in spite of and let us learn to forgive regardless of. For, in doing so, along with the prayers of the saints, we can save this nation from going further down in sorrow. It is time to cry out to God and to turn from our wicked ways and seek GODâs face, and then he will forgive our sins and heal our land, according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Let peace, love and good will to all reign on this blessed land of ours.
Kennard King