Our Readers' Opinions
March 5, 2013

Searchlight’s ‘Tales of the Past’ a useful, educational column

Tue Mar 05, 2013

Editor: Hats off to you, my former teacher and relative Ms Dalton and also to Searchlight for publishing ‘Tales of the Past’, especially from my hometown of Barrouallie, so that the younger generation, and even folks of my generation who did not experience some of what you write about, can get an idea of how much easier young persons in this era have it.{{more}}

I can identify with a lot of what you relate. Ironically, I am sending this opinion piece from an IPad which was inconceivable a few short years ago, so it just goes to show how quickly we become disconnected from the way of life in the not too distant past.

I believe that your column is a useful tool that can be used to educate our youths on the history of our beloved town (Barrouallie) and the wider community.

As a Vincy in the diaspora who misses all the good things my country has got to offer, I look forward to your weekly column. Keep up the good work.

Grantley Williams