Our Readers' Opinions
May 11, 2007

Serious crimes in SVG a result of a poor economy


Editor: The SVG Green Party strongly supports the national call by the National Council for Women and the Purple Ribbon in condemning crimes in SVG.

SVG Green Party believes that in order to deal effectively with crime you have to sort out the cause of crime, which is the poor management by the ULP regime of the SVG economy.{{more}} You can take away the guns, and we must, but you will still get violent crime. What you really need to resolve is the underlying reasons that make people turn to crime.

SVG’s poor economy has directly led to a very high rate of unemployment, a spiralling high cost of living and a growing level of despair and frustration as people are forced further into poverty.

The ULP regime has no economic policies that can solve the underlying problems facing SVG and many people can see that the future is bleak.

The SVG Green Party makes a special call to all our Vincentian brothers and sisters to:

– walk away with pride from arguments that potentially could turn violent;

– have respect and compassion for each other and remember to be polite;

– seek help and advice in times of difficulty;

– obey and give full respect to the laws of our blessed country;

– spend your money wisely as there will be greater hardship ahead with VAT;

– be strong mentally and spiritually in times of adversity.

SVG needs a new government before too many more people lose their lives. This government has already lied to the nation. It is up to the people to get a government they deserve, that can lead the nation up out of this whole of poverty and lawlessness. Good economics is the key to a well functioning society and long-term economic, social and environmental security for all.

SVG Green Party